Around the beginning of 2011, a group of men identified an unmet need and set things in motion to resolve it. Several area churches of Christ sponsored a summer youth camp and were constantly challenged to find a suitable venue. Other churches wanted to organize a summer youth camp but knew there were no vacancies at the few area campsites.
The first step in this great challenge was locating and acquiring land suitable for launching into the great adventure we now know as Big Reedy Christian Camp. An area family graciously donated thirty-four acres of a beautiful hillside in Butler County, Kentucky. This tract of a family farm was the first “asset” of Big Reedy – unless you consider God’s plans and these men’s dream an asset!
The physical structure plans, first written on “tablets” in the minds of three visionary benefactors, included a log structure suitable as a meeting lodge for campers and staff, a dining facility with a full-service commercial kitchen, and lower-level housing for 60 campers or staff, separated into two wings, each with full bathroom facilities. Ten identical cabins were planned, each with a capacity of sixteen campers or staff. Each cabin would have full bath facilities and its own HVAC system. Thus, the plans envisioned a campsite that would accommodate 220 campers and staff members.
Well . . . that vision was reduced to formal written plans and, once that was accomplished and with prayers a constant companion, the real work began. Thanks to assistance from several congregations of the church of Christ and scores – scores – of individuals from the area, surrounding states, and one foreign territory, over $1 million was raised to build the lodge, ten cabins, a craft house, a study pavilion and chapel in the woods, a basketball court, a volleyball court, walking trails, and a fishing pond. Over the years since 2011, Big Reedy has added a maintenance barn, two gazebo / study structures, a fire pit / nighttime devotional arena and a canteen building. (Some construction project is always underway it seems!)
The dream has become a reality. Eight weeks of church summer camps are held annually, and most of the remaining weekends find guests assembled for youth or family retreats, church leaders’ meetings, area-wide youth events and even an occasional wedding.